Simple Facebook Like

61 thoughts on “Simple Facebook Like

  1. Harald Halvorsen

    Any way I can exclude this great plugin from showing up on pages? I only want it on blogposts, not my static pages…

  2. Steph

    Hi, thanks for this plugin ! it rocks

    I m looking for a way to add a margin before the button..
    Can I do that..?

  3. Sven

    Is it possible to choose a custom location by adding a code in the template? Or disable certain categories?

    Thanks for your reply!


  4. Jaa


    Thanks so much for a great plugin! It’s working like a charm on my website. However, I have just one quick question. Is there anyway I can exclude the Like button from Page template? I’d like it to be on the Single post page only.

    Please advise! :-) Thanks.

  5. Michael McCune

    Nice plugin. :) Is there any way for this to be shown on Posts only, and not on Pages? I see the instructions mention something about setting hidden pages in the admin panel, but I can’t seem to find that option, it isn’t on the settings for this plugin or on the settings for a particular page.

  6. Vasvári Adrián

    Hi there! Is it possible to disable the plugin only in specific pages? I mean is there any “shortcode” or something not to being showed on the “Terms and Conditions” page for example? Thanks in advance!

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  9. Tadas

    Can you check who “liked” your link? Basically when it writes 10 people liked it, can you check who done it? Thanks.

  10. Chris

    Hi Huseyin

    a question about the plugin. I only want the “like” button displayed on article pages, not on the frontpage. is there a way to customize that?

    thank you very much


  11. CherryTeresa

    Thanks for this plugin. I have a question, please.

    I’m about to move my website over to a new server. It’ll have the same permalinks and domain name. Will the ‘likes’ transfer? What I mean is… If people liked a post, will all that still show up when I transfer it over?

  12. David Feldt

    I installed the plugin and when I click on the “Like” I get an error:
    You failed to provide a valid list of administators. You need to supply the administors using either a “fb:app_id” meta tag, or using a “fb:admins” meta tag to specify a comma-delimited list of Facebook users.

  13. Jim

    the background of my website is black, but the background of the plugin is white. kann i change it? thank you very much!

  14. Pingback: Patched Simple Facebook Like for Wordpress | – A boy named Stu

  15. Fabio

    I am using the simple like but when I look on my facebook it seems to be selecting a random image for the facebook post…

    where or how do you select the image you want shown in Facebook?

    on yours when you click like it shows your portrait. can you code in a specific image?
    Thank you!

  16. Pingback: WordPress Plugins Make Me Happy | howtonotsuckatgamedesign

  17. Mat


    I’ve been using your plugin for a while now and I love it.
    But for about a month or so, I appear as logged out of FB on my blog. Next to the “Like” button I get a text: “Sign Up to see what your friends like.”
    I am permanently logged into FB and even if I click on the “Sign Up” link, it just reloads the page and that’s it. I also can’t Like any of my posts, it just reloads the page and no action is taken.

    What’s wrong? Why do I appear to be logged out of FB?



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