Your favorite posts saved to your browsers cookies. If you clear cookies also favorite posts will be deleted.
I made a plugin named as WP Favorite Posts. This plugin allows visitors to mark a post as favorite. There is no register requirement because this plugin saves data to cookies. Furthermore it can save data to database if user logged in. The user can see his/her favorite posts list from “Your Favorites” page which you created.
Don’t forget to donate
[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=””]
It’s very easy;
- Download the WP Favorite Posts plugin.
- Unzip into your
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Place
<?php if (function_exists('wpfp_link')) { wpfp_link(); } ?>
in your single.php or index.php template file. Then favorite this post link will appear in all posts. - Create a page e.g. “Your Favorites” and insert
text into content section. This page will contain users favorite posts.
- That’s it :)
And there is a widget and template tag for listing most favorited posts. You can go widgets page for using widget. Template tag’s usage;
<h2>Most Favorited Posts</h2>
<?php wpfp_list_most_favorited(10); ?>
The parameter for limiting post count of list. Default value is 5 posts.
Bugs & Appreciations
You can report bugs or write your appreciations by using comments of this post. Also you can see the source code and the ChangeLog. Thanks for using my plugin!
New Feature Request or Need Modification
If you have a feature request or need modification which is urgent for you, contact me. We can make a deal.
Did you like plugin ?
If you like my plugin, i’ll appreciate it if you buy me a coffe or beer! I would love if you write a blog post/tweet etc about my plugin.
[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=””]
Some Details
Show Link In Post Content
You can show Add/Remove Favorites Link into post wherever you want with writing
into post content while HTML mode.Add to favorites
Change Template Of “Your Favorites” Page
(version 1.4) You can change “your favorites” page’s templates easily.
First copy wpfp-page-template.php from plugin’s directory to your theme’s directory. Then make template changes (add thumbnail image, make what you want).
If you make something wrong just delete or rename wpfp-page-template.php from your theme’s directory and page’s view will be turn back to basic view.
Who Uses This Plugin ? (DEMO)
Hi thankyou for giving a nice plugin and working perfectly and can you please tell me how to show the user’s bookmarking in their profile page using php code.
Thanks in advance..
Hi nice plugin and working perfectly and can you please tell me how to show the user’s bookmarking in thier profile page.
Thanks in advance…
Great Plugin! Is there are way to just turn the image into the add to favorites link?
thanks man I like this
Hi Huseyin,
please tell me, how I translate this plugin in an other language.
In wp-favorite-posts.phh between the lines 300 and 320 I try to translate the text, but this has no effects at the page.
What is wrong?
Hey Huseyin,
is it possible to save individual post-links? At the moment I can add the favourite posts with a click on the link. But my users want to have the possibility to write an individual link in a form. These links should be saved in the wp-favorite- cookie.
Can you help me please?
Greez from Germany
Hello! I’d like to know how i can display how many times the post was favorited. Example: “Post favorited XX times”. Thank you!
Is there any way to embed custom fields on the widget? I am trying to echo the get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘image’, true) but it doesn’t work. Hearing your great reply. Thanks!
plug in is grate, heaved used this couple times already on my site,
yesterday started new website with premed theme, but when activating plug in all java is crashed
nothing works anymore
is there any way i can disable that?
Please please need to fix this asap
wp-favorite-posts.php remuve lines 295-299 and done :)
After upgrade to wp3.2, wp-fav plugin spits out error as follow:
WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 for query SELECT post_id, meta_value, post_status FROM bboo_postmeta LEFT JOIN bboo_posts ON post_id=bboo_posts.ID WHERE post_status='publish' AND meta_key='wpfp_favorites' AND meta_value > 0 ORDER BY ROUND(meta_value) DESC LIMIT 0, made by require, require_once, include, get_header, locate_template, load_template, require_once, get_sidebar, locate_template, load_template, require_once, wpfp_widget_view, wpfp_list_most_favorited
Could you give me some direction on how to fix this? Thanks.
Hi Huseyin,
Love your plugin. It rocks. I’m having only a slight problem, well ok, kind of a big problem with some of my pages not pulling in the title. The end result is an empty list item:
I’m using the dsIDXpress plugin and its on these pages I’m having trouble. But I do see it working on another site ( which uses the dsIDXpress plugin, so I have hope.
I’ve added the code to my page template:
And the link appears where it’s supposed to, but when I select the link, the message changes to “remove from my favorites” (as expected), I then refresh the page to see if my sidebar widget shows the link, but it does not. A bullet appears on my favorite page where it should be, but no text appears it’s empty.
Do you think you can help?
Concerning the page to display the favorites posts, is it possible for that page to exist on the admin dashboard? Meaning, could I simply include the code on a backend page and the favorites posts would show up?
Hello Huseyin,
Thank you very much for this plug-in. It’s really great.
I have just one question.
Is there a way to remove (or make invisible) the “Add to favorites” line from the “Your Favorites” page itself – and still have it show up on all the other pages and posts?
Thanks again,
Hi, is it possible to show for the current post – how many people favorite it?
For example in single.php to add tag just like this – if (function_exists(‘wpfp_link’)) { wpfp_link(); – to be: wpfp_favcount(); ?
Thanks for the great plugin.
hello, i’ve got the plugin working but the little loading animation never stops,
how can i make that thing stops?
thank you
@Jochen, Luv the idea.
It would be cool for admins to create more than one marking as well. For example “favorite, read, completed, attending..”
Are you still maintaining this plugin? Have not heard anything since March this year…
All the best!
Great Plugin btw!
Is there a way for me to render a page or view that only admin can see which users saved which posts as their favorite?
Pingback: Is Appthemes still alive? | AppThemes Forum
Hi, I love your Plugin.
Unfortunately I can’t use it on my site right now.
I would like to have a “Add to favorites”-link on any Budypress Posts and then have the ability to let users Group them together and mark / unmark them as public, so that any user can have his own link collection as some kind of public books on his profile page… that would really be powerfull, do u know weather there is a way to use your plugin for that or have any hints for me on how to start up with that?
Great work, nonetheless!
I am using your favorite post plugin on my site, I love it, I did some editing like to allow me to add it on more than 1 places on the site. The only problem now, it’s cause a white blank page when I access the wp-admin, when I disable it, the admin works fine.
How can you help me fix this problem, I really want to use it. below, is the code I edited.
<input type="text" value="” class=”widefat” id=”wpfp-uf-title” name=”wpfp-uf-title” />
<input type="text" value="” style=”width: 28px; text-align:center;” id=”wpfp-uf-limit” name=”wpfp-uf-limit” />
<input type="text" value="” class=”widefat” id=”wpfp-title” name=”wpfp-title” />
<input type="text" value="” style=”width: 28px; text-align:center;” id=”wpfp-limit” name=”wpfp-limit” />
You must enable statics from favorite posts configuration page.
Hi Huseyin,
I’m wanting to use this excellent plugin to allow people to create wish lists for my online store. I have set it up so that only registered users can favourite products. As site admin, want to be able to see everyone’s lists, and I can’t find them! Where are they in the database? What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thank you!
I’m trying to put the favorite ads in a tabbed sidebar, I have tried the widget code – and the page/post code – {{wp-favorite-posts}} but they dont work. Any idea’s ?
@Huseyin Berberoglu, do you still supporting this plugin?
How about showing user’s favorites on author page (author.php template)?
You are using ‘echo’ when you should be using return (
You get really unexpected results when you are trying to use the short-tags (shortcodes)
Here ( is where I created a ‘patch’ to put into my themes functions.php
thank you for patch.
I’ll make my plugin more open-source. i’m thinking to use a software like trac…
Is there a way to display all users that favorite a post?
I tried the hack but it is not generating output correctly.
I’d really like to see your plugin updated!
I’m hacking away at a complex project and don’t have the time to work on the patch/hack but will look into it eventually.
If you can deliver an API compliant ‘return’ version that would be great.
Ability to have multiple lists per user would be nice too.
For example
favorite list 1 for posts (that contain user comments etc)
favorite list 2 for pages (that contain read only content)
no need to differentiate between posts/pages in the plug in
just allow the user to make more than one list and then they can name the list what they want
to clarify on the multiple lists idea…
you could have the normal add to ‘default favorite list’ link on each post/page
then the user would go to their favorites page and be able to move items from the default list1 to list2, list3 etc (maybe have upto 5 lists so that you can do this without a messy pulldown menu per each favorite to choose which list to go to)
the ability to
display all lists (in order with default list1 then list2, list3 etc)
display one list (hide others and toggle through)
have the user rename their lists (list2 = ‘hot topics’, list3 =’reference pages’, list4 = ‘temp list’ etc)
would be nice too
other less urgent ideas would be to share lists with links that can be public (set by user on favorites page – make this list public/private)
thanks for your consideration