Your favorite posts saved to your browsers cookies. If you clear cookies also favorite posts will be deleted.
I made a plugin named as WP Favorite Posts. This plugin allows visitors to mark a post as favorite. There is no register requirement because this plugin saves data to cookies. Furthermore it can save data to database if user logged in. The user can see his/her favorite posts list from “Your Favorites” page which you created.
Don’t forget to donate
[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=””]
It’s very easy;
- Download the WP Favorite Posts plugin.
- Unzip into your
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Place
<?php if (function_exists('wpfp_link')) { wpfp_link(); } ?>
in your single.php or index.php template file. Then favorite this post link will appear in all posts. - Create a page e.g. “Your Favorites” and insert
text into content section. This page will contain users favorite posts.
- That’s it :)
And there is a widget and template tag for listing most favorited posts. You can go widgets page for using widget. Template tag’s usage;
<h2>Most Favorited Posts</h2>
<?php wpfp_list_most_favorited(10); ?>
The parameter for limiting post count of list. Default value is 5 posts.
Bugs & Appreciations
You can report bugs or write your appreciations by using comments of this post. Also you can see the source code and the ChangeLog. Thanks for using my plugin!
New Feature Request or Need Modification
If you have a feature request or need modification which is urgent for you, contact me. We can make a deal.
Did you like plugin ?
If you like my plugin, i’ll appreciate it if you buy me a coffe or beer! I would love if you write a blog post/tweet etc about my plugin.
[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=””]
Some Details
Show Link In Post Content
You can show Add/Remove Favorites Link into post wherever you want with writing
into post content while HTML mode.Add to favorites
Change Template Of “Your Favorites” Page
(version 1.4) You can change “your favorites” page’s templates easily.
First copy wpfp-page-template.php from plugin’s directory to your theme’s directory. Then make template changes (add thumbnail image, make what you want).
If you make something wrong just delete or rename wpfp-page-template.php from your theme’s directory and page’s view will be turn back to basic view.
Who Uses This Plugin ? (DEMO)
I’m having a problem with the plugin in php5. It says Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/8786/domains/ on line 133.
If I change $this to $that it works for the first favorited post, but if I had 2 favorites, it displays every post I have.
Can you help with this error?
@Logan, Which version of PHP5 do you use ? 5.3.x or 5.2.x ? I use plugin with 5.2.x with no problem.
+1 for a widgetized sidebar displaying current users favorite posts (like a basket and ideally updated by AJAX on the fly)
functions maybe like this script:
if this functionality is done, I can use it in a unpaid project but I won’t mind making a donation at all.
Thanks for your help
Excellent plug-in, but where’s the settings information on the dashboard? I see the admin file with what appears to be a whole structure of customizeable options, but when activated, it’s not showing anywhere on the admin dashboard. I would like to change the wording and messages.
@Ren you can see settings page under Settings tab. or you can go http:///wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-favorite-posts
How could I show the most favorite post of a category?
@Clau you can not do this for now, maybe with next versions.
Excellent plugin! Is there a way to display all the registered users who have favorited a particular post? For example when I am reading a single post, I would also see a list of registered users who have added this post to their Favorites. This would add a cool social element to a blog!
@Veron, there isn’t a way for this now. But i’ve added this to my TODO list.
Pingback: WP Favorite Posts 1.3.3 Released! at Huseyin Berberoglu | blog
Is there a changelog. I’m using a previous version that I’ve modified a bit so I’m wondering if I need to “upgrade.”
@designodyssey; yes, there is a changelog;
I just made the upgrade to Version 1.3.4 and all the Favorites from all the users are gone. WTF?
@Negative0; update the plugin again and favorites will come back. Sorry for this fault.
Did that. Still missing. (only the favorites made AFTER the upgrade are there)
How can I get them back?
No you didn’t do that because the update was published a few minutes ago. I fixed it and published version 1.3.5. Wait some time then update will appear.
The download link updated. :) Everything seems to be OK now. Thank you!
Hi= I have the same problem as Elise – “FavoriteLoading” text. Please have a look at and
@Vesel; Is your plugin directory different ? Isn’t it /wp-content/plugins ?
I really like this plugin and its near to my requirements. Great work done.
Now i am wishing if on each post on the main page this Favorite link appears. so users can mark favorite from here instead of going to the single post page.
Anyways thanks a lot.
@Suhail, go index.php and add code into loop (for example before the_content()). And your wish will become true.
OMG………………………. Superb its working…..
Thanks a lot man…. You have really done a greatt job…
Here it is working.
No excuses; one must leave comment after reading. That is what keeps the bloggers going besides many other things.
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Hey Huseyin,
Awesome Plugin!
I didn’t see this question asked/answered, sorry if I missed it at some point.
Anyway, I use PHP MyVideoBlog on my site and there is a custom field with each post called “mvb_thumb_url” with the value being the thumb’s url location (duh) :P
Is there an easy way to throw the custom field into the favorite’s page code? I haven’t managed to get it right.
Thanks for any help in advance,
Hi Fadere,
i am working about a new feature nowadays. you’ll be able to change template of the page which shows visitor’s favorite posts.
this feature’ll be active in the next version.
After that, you’ll be able to do easly what you want.
Thought I’d throw the code for this in really quick.
I’m sure you can see where I tried:
function wpfp_list_favorite_posts($before = “”, $after = “”) {
$wpfp_options = wpfp_get_options();
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
$values = get_post_custom_values(“mvb_thumb_url”);
and also:
echo “post_title .”‘>” . $p->post_title . “ “;
echo “post_title .”‘>” . $values-> . “ “;
Hope that helps some
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Stunning plugin! But…
If we check a web-page with the installed wp-favorite-posts on, we get error message.
You should replace ” ***” on ” ***”.
Hi Almaz, I checked plugin and replace with
Look at this page:
If I replace “<span class=’wpfp-span’> ***</ span>” with “<div class=’wpfp-span’> ***</ div>”, code be valid.
@Almaz, I already did it :) In my last comment I wanted to say that; “I checked plugin and replace < span > with < div > on Your Favorites page. I couldn’t find any errors except this”
This modification will be active with next version.
Thanks for bug report :)
Very good. Now U can delete my comments.
They already enough on this page :)
Awesome! Good to hear it. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the new release :)
The plugin is in /wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts
@Vesel when i go to this url it gives 404 error.
You should check permissions of plugin directory and plugin files.
The path is
@Vesel go to this directory: /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts/
open wp-favorite-posts.php file
find this line;
define('WPFP_PATH', get_settings('home') . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts');
replace it with this;
define('WPFP_PATH', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-favorite-posts');
Save file and test plugin again.
It should work after that modification. Please let me know, if it works i’ll make this modification and it will be active with next version.