WP Favorite Posts

  • Favorite list is empty.
FavoriteLoadingClear favorites

Your favorite posts saved to your browsers cookies. If you clear cookies also favorite posts will be deleted.

I made a plugin named as WP Favorite Posts. This plugin allows visitors to mark a post as favorite. There is no register requirement because this plugin saves data to cookies. Furthermore it can save data to database if user logged in. The user can see his/her favorite posts list from “Your Favorites” page which you created.

DEMO See it in action

Don’t forget to donate

[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=”nxsn.com”]


It’s very easy;

  1. Download the WP Favorite Posts plugin.
  2. Unzip into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Place <?php if (function_exists('wpfp_link')) { wpfp_link(); } ?> in your single.php or index.php template file. Then favorite this post link will appear in all posts.
  5. Create a page e.g. “Your Favorites” and insert text into content section. This page will contain users favorite posts.
  6. That’s it :)


And there is a widget and template tag for listing most favorited posts. You can go widgets page for using widget. Template tag’s usage;

<h2>Most Favorited Posts</h2>
<?php wpfp_list_most_favorited(10); ?>

The parameter for limiting post count of list. Default value is 5 posts.

Bugs & Appreciations

You can report bugs or write your appreciations by using comments of this post. Also you can see the source code and the ChangeLog. Thanks for using my plugin!

New Feature Request or Need Modification

If you have a feature request or need modification which is urgent for you, contact me. We can make a deal.

Did you like plugin ?

If you like my plugin, i’ll appreciate it if you buy me a coffe or beer! I would love if you write a blog post/tweet etc about my plugin.
[paypal-donation purpose=”WP Favorite Posts” reference=”nxsn.com”]

Some Details

Show Link In Post Content

You can show Add/Remove Favorites Link into post wherever you want with writing FavoriteLoadingAdd to favorites into post content while HTML mode.

Change Template Of “Your Favorites” Page

(version 1.4) You can change “your favorites” page’s templates easily.

First copy wpfp-page-template.php from plugin’s directory to your theme’s directory. Then make template changes (add thumbnail image, make what you want).

If you make something wrong just delete or rename wpfp-page-template.php from your theme’s directory and page’s view will be turn back to basic view.

Who Uses This Plugin ? (DEMO)





396 thoughts on “WP Favorite Posts

  1. Frank

    Me again,

    I thought, hé! I use the code from wpfp-your-facs-widget.php and display it on a another place and customize it a bit.

    I won’t work :( you’ve got a idea how to display the favorites??

    echo "";
    if ($favorite_post_ids):
    foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $post_id) {
    $p = get_post($post_id);
    echo "";
    echo "post_title ."'>" . $p->post_title . " ";
    echo "";
    echo "";
    echo "Your favorites will be here.";
    echo "";
    echo "";

  2. alan Watson

    Hi Huseyin – would it be correct to say that wp-favourite-posts (if displayed as a widget or via code AND appears on every page, eg in the sidebar), will not work correctly if wp-super-cache is also working on every page ? Regards, Alan

  3. Jochen

    Hello Huseyin,

    just tried out your plugin, it really works great. here are a couple of feature requests:
    – BuddyPress compatible: would love to have an option, where a user could favorite a posts over all blogs (wpmu/wp multi) and these get shown on his profile at member/username/favposts for example.

    you plugin is way better than the internal “fav” function where you cannot fav a post on the post itself!


  4. Ana White

    I’m so sorry if you’ve already answered this question and I couldn’t ‘get it’ in the comments. I would like to create a sidebar widget that displays the contents of the page “Your Favorites”. I tried using an rss feed and all posts displayed. Is there an easy solution?

    Also, where do new users go to login to be a part of the favoriting?

    Thanks so much, as someone else who also provides content for free, I can understand and appreciate your generosity and talent.


  5. Marcin

    Hi Huseyin,

    Thanx for the great plugin, I’ve seen it working on some websites but unfortunately when I try to install it on my wp 3.0 multisite website using either Activate or Network Activate I get the error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wpfp_widget_view() (previously declared in /home/mojerest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts/wpfp-widgets.php:3) in /home/mojerest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts/wpfp-widgets.php on line 3

    Thank you in adavne for your help to fix the proble.

  6. Joel Harper

    Hi there,

    Is it possible to add a featured image thumbnail and excerpt to the results page? If so how much would you charge?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  7. bacn

    I’d like to display the Facebook Like button and have it integrate with WP Favorite Posts. What do you think?

  8. Ranji77


    I love this plugin! I was wondering two things:

    1 – Is there an easy way to get a “count” of how many favorite post a user has? I would like to publish this number somewhere on their favorites list.

    2 – Is there any plans to add pagination to the favorite posts list? If a favorites list gets excessively long, I want my users to be able to paginate through.

    Thank you in advance!

  9. Andrew

    Please consider adding a div.class to your projects!

    Favorite me!
    Remove From Favorites!


  10. Andrew

    Favorite me!
    Remove From Favorites!


  11. Andrew

    Also please try to include something simple like:

    if (
    article_user_favorite == true
    { echo “Remove From Favorites”; }
    { echo “Add to Favorites”; } )

    A simple hook to tell if a user has set the article as a favorite already. Does that make sense? (=

  12. Stefan

    Hi Huseyin,

    you did a great job with this plugin. I am only missing two more extra features. It would be great if in the next update you could add a a new parameter, something like redirectto into the url link. I wanted to redirect the user directly to his favorite posts ( i am using the plugin for product comparison ). So had to modify the source of the plugin a little bit. Also would be great to have the ability to turn on or of AJAX.

    function wpfp_die_or_go($str) {
    global $ajax_mode;
    if ($ajax_mode):
    if($_GET['redirectto']) wp_redirect($_GET['redirectto']);
    else wp_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);


  13. Emily

    I am using your pluggin on a site I’m building and we’re having a weird issue. When you go to the Favorite Posts page it is duplicating the information. It is showing up as it should in the main content area but also up above in the header area (almost like it’s before the HTML or something). Can you tell me what I need to do to remove that info that’s up there in the header area?

    Here’s the link so you can see what I’m talking about: http://ana-white.com/saved-plans

  14. Sharon

    Hi Huseyin,

    Thanks for the great plug-in. I am experiencing the same issue as Jenell, not on all of the favorites, but some of them. Some appear above the header area and also appear with additional html at the end like this: [code] “>[/code] Were you able to root cause this?

    Thank you,

  15. Obai

    Great plugin, thank you.

    I’m trying to add thumbnails to the favorites page but I can’t. could you help me please.

    this is the code of thumbnails:

    ID, ‘image’, true); ?>
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to “>

    <img src="/thumb.php?src=&w=183&h=140&zc=1″ class=”thumb” alt=”” />

    <img src="/images/pic.jpg” alt=”” class=”thumb” />

  16. Nir

    Great plugin.
    I put the widget and it working good, but I can’t change the “title” and the “no. of posts” in it. When I click on save it return to default. Any solution?
    I’m using WordPress 3.01

  17. stefan

    Hey just wondering if i wanted the text on the site to say Add to wishlist instead of favorite, how would I change that?


  18. Cosmin

    First i want to thank you for this great plugin!

    Can you tell me, please, if there is any way to replace the “Add to favorites” link with an image ? I want to have the same functionality, just to replace the the link with an image.
    To get the ideea you can check the “click to apreciate it” button at the buttom of this page:

    Thank you,

  19. Mike

    How would you display users favorites in an non wordpress page?


    Copy author.php file and add something like


  20. Fabio

    Ola, como eu faço para paginar a lista da função wpfp_list_favorite_posts()? Eu estou utizando em uma página customizada no WP, mas as vezes é bem interessante dividir os itens em páginas. Também queria colocar um link ao lado de cada item para remover direto da lista.

  21. xavier

    Hi , very nice plugin, thanks.
    To bad that we just can’t link the image in stead of having text link “add to favorite”

    As for the user favorite posts generated by {{wp-favorite-posts}}, I would like to display full articles like they are in my index loop for exemple, not only title. Do you think it’s possible to display an user favorite post list creating a loop just like on a basic index page ?

  22. Shobin

    Hello sir

    How can I add users favorite list on my post details page. Now the widget is displaying but it will not working properly? Can you help me?

  23. Valentin

    First of all, thank you for your work.
    I was wondering if a registered or not user could send his favorite posts list to someone’s e-mail directly from website. I’m thinking about a form.


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