WP Favorite Posts 1.3.2 Released!

I’m writing this post for announce new version of WP Favorite Post plugin. If you want to read details (installation etc.), you can go  project page of WP Favorite Posts.

There is no major changes. With this version these are changed;

  • “Favorite Posts” setting page moved under Setting tab on WP admin panel. Before it was under Plugins panel but i see all other plugins placing their setttings page to Settings tab and i placed it to it’s right place…
  • Added wpfp_get_users_favorites() function which returns an array which includes current user’s favorite posts ids.

That’s all folks.

WP Favorite Posts 1.3.1 Released!

I’m writing this post for announce new version of WP Favorite Post plugin. If you want to read details (installation etc.), you can go  project page of WP Favorite Posts.

  • Added Before Link Image feature.
  • Refactor code and imporve DRY
  • Fixed bug: Most favorite list’s string sorting problem 2 > 11
  • Fixed bug: Clear link not updating post’s favorited count

Before link image feature looks like that;

WP Favorite Posts 1.3 Released !

I’m writing this post for announce new version of WP Favorite Post plugin. If you want to read details (installation etc.), you can go  project page of WP Favorite Posts.

There is two change with 1.3 version a new feature and a bug fix;

  • Fixed bug: Plugin was working wrong in pages with links includes # character.
  • Added template tag for Most Favorite Posts. There was already a widget for this.

Template tag’s usage;

<h2>Most Favorited Posts</h2>
<?php wpfp_list_most_favorited(10); ?>

The parameter for limiting post count of list. Default value is 5 posts.

Hello from new blog

Welcome to my new blog. This is the second blog i have. I was writing about my thoughts, ideas, code samples and other things already at birazkisisel.com. I was writing in Turkish but when i create a plugin named wp favorite posts i need to write anouncements in English for it. So i made this blog for sharing my stuff in English.

If you want to follow this blog you can use this RSS feed. Thanks for following.