WP Hide Pages

Hides selected pages from menus. You can manage this from your admin panel, so you don’t need to open code to add exclude parameter to wp_list_pages function. Essentially it adds exclude parameter to wp_list_pages function but it’s so easy now. You can manage via admin panel.

Don’t forget to donate

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  1. Download the BP Posts on Profile BuddyPress plugin.
  2. Unzip into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. That’s it!

Easy to Manage

You can manage your hidden pages easily via plugin’s admin page.

37 thoughts on “WP Hide Pages

  1. Pingback: WP Hide Pages Released! | Huseyin Berberoglu

  2. Pingback: WordPress Plugin Releases for 04/26 « Weblog Tools Collection

  3. Pingback: WP Hide Pages für WordPress

  4. chris

    Hi there,

    Just downloaded your plugin in for hiding pages. But i’m a bit lost, you say: # Go admin panel and manage hidden pages. Sorry but i’m a bit new to this and dont know where to go from here..

    Kind regards


  5. fastharry

    I have a quick question…
    if you use the plug in and hide the page…will search engines still see the page even if it is not listed in the menu’s but accessible through a link on another page?..

    1. Huseyin Berberoglu Post author

      @fastharry; yes they will se. if anyone knows your page’s url he can see the page. plugin only hides the page’s link.

  6. Eva

    I just installed your plugin and can’t get it to work. I see it in my Admin panel and I can move pages into the “hidden pages” category. But when I click “Update Options” the pages still appear. I cleared my cache and even tried it in different browsers, with the same results.

    I am using WordPress 3.0.


  7. Asen

    I like very much the plugin, but soudainly he stoped working. When i push the Send button the rows are turning and nothing happens. (freezing) Any idea?

  8. Eric


    Well, I don’t see how to hide a page. When I click on Pages I can see all my pages but no option to hide one. And when I edit a page I don’t see any option to hide the page.

    Could you tell me how to use it please !


  9. Eric


    I just saw it in Settings. It works, but it will be more user friendly if you could add this option in the Edit page or if you can make your plugin show up in the left menu on the same level than Setting instead of a subpage of settings.

    Good job anyway, it works !!!

  10. Lynn

    Like Chris, I’m not sure what we should be seeing at the admin page to hide pages. Could it be that the plugin does not work with the latest WP? Your help would be appreciated. Thank you

  11. Pingback: WP Hide Pages Plugin

  12. Mia

    Chris, I had the same problem understanding the directions re: admin panel. When you sign into the admin site, under Dashboard (on the left-hand side), go all way the down to “Settings” – open up the Settings panel and you should “General, Writing, Reading….etc.” and then you’ll see “Hide Pages.”

    Click on that and next you’ll see under Options:

    “Click the pages to hide/make visible. Don’t forget to click ‘Update Options’ button.”

    From there it should be self-explanatory. Good luck.

  13. Dorothy

    Hi Huseyin,
    Thanks for this GREAT plugin! I’ve used it many times.

    I’m currently setting up a site using Woo Themes, Sealight. I uploaded the WP Hide Page to my plugins folder, activated the plugin, but I do not see it on any of my page admin areas? (usually I see it under the Page Attributes section on the right).

    Any ideas how I can get your plugin to show up in my admin area?


  14. Jeff Harding

    I have installed the WP Hide Pages… thank you!

    Two questions…

    1. I too cannot find anything on the Admin or Dashboard page as Chris mentioned in an earlier comment… I do see the panel on each post or page and the “hide” function works well. Is there a central location where I can access the hide function for all pages and posts at once?

    2. In the “Page Visibility” Panel on the page, there is a “details” link that goes to this url…

    … but this link is a dead end as are the other links to “anappleaday.”


  15. daerzhimeng

    Very good plugin,it can work on most themes,but some can’t ,for example,FlyGirlTheme.Please tell me what i can do.Thanks!

  16. Pingback: WP Hide Pages Review – Best Wordpress Plugins

  17. Pingback: Woche 12 meiner Ausbildung | Internetmarketing Wolfgang Stein

  18. Robert Shevlin

    I was about to give up. My WordPress site currently has 80 pages and shortly will have more than 2000. Without your release and the simplicity of using it.
    One Question, Why does Home Page not show up in page list and how do I Edit it.
    The site that I am moving to WordPress is http://www.BibleTruth.net which was developed in 1997.
    When my wife comes home I will send you a donation by PayPal.
    I will check rest of your plugins.
    I have been doing most work with DotNetNuke but I am brushing up on php now. I am using worpress 3.1.1 on a windows platform and PHP 5.0

  19. Pingback: Hide Pages Review – Best Wordpress Plugins

  20. Robert

    Plugin is a piece of shit ? No instructions , poorly documented. Hope you are not a professional developer because that is some scary shit dude !


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