WP Favorite Posts 1.4.1 released. See Changelog for differences.
The important change is that;
I’ve added two action; wpfp_after_add and wpfp_after_remove. You can use these actions if you want to do something after someone add/remove a post to favorite. Usage example;
add_action('wpfp_after_add', 'my_custom_function');
function my_custom_function() {
// do something
This is a really awesome plugin. I hope you’ll continue developing it.
@Ian; I home, too :) I’ve started a full time job. And I’m giving WordPress Consulting to a new startup so i couldn’t find time on theese weeks.
Hi! Really love the idea for this plugin! It works really well for me, but I was curious if you knew of a way to enable favorites across all WPMU blogs on my site. If not, it would be a great feature!
Thanks again. =)
Griffin; For now it’s not support wpmu user blogs. But you can use with wpmu’s main blog.
I have done everything but this plugin doesn’t work. Nothing is showing on my posts :(
I am planning to use this plugin on a Multisite enabled WordPress v3.0, I will appreciate if the author or someone else could comment on whether it is compatible with the Multisite feature of the v3.01 or Not?
What a fantastic plugin!
I’m having a small problem with it, though — I can’t seem to change the title of the widget. When I change it and save, it just goes back to the default. :( Any idea what might be going on?
I have a problem for this plugin. I wanna add a “your favorite post” option into my WordPress admin panel. How can I do that? Please, reply me! I am waiting for your response.
Hi Huseyin, love this plugin. I was just wondering about SSL compatibility. I managed to hack the plugin, so it works, but I’m sure I did it wrong. So I’d love to hear any suggestions. Basically it sets the script and css calls to https when on a secure page.
Instead of:
define(‘WPFP_PATH’, WP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/wp-favorite-posts’);
I used:
define(‘WPFP_PATH’, home_url() . ‘/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts’);
when i use permalink : “/%category%/%postname%”,hit the wp-favorite-posts “Add to favorites” is error! “Remove favorites” is error, “clear…..” is error! :(
When i use permalink : “/%category%/%postname%”,hit the wp-favorite-posts “Add to favorites” is error! “Remove favorites” is error, “clear…..” is error! :(
If use “http://xxx.com/?p=xxx”,all is right.
Can you help me?Thank you!
First of all, great plugin !
I used it to show in a box 3 favorite posts, actually, it shows the firts added.
Is it possible to order the posts displayed by the last added ?
Thanks for your help !
First, thanks for the excellent plugin.
I thought I’d let you know I added one little bit to make styling easier for me:
wp-favorite-posts.php Line 160: Added a class after wpfp-link of wpfp-“.$action.”
Now I can style a link differently for favorite posts.
Thanks again!
Hi there
Is there a way to adjust the plugin to work with custom post types? Not just “posts”
I just downloaded it. It looks good. I even dared to fiddle around with the template. Let’s see how it works.
thanks for you plugin, it’s so cool !
I’ve a little question:
i tried to make a redirection after removing a favorited post from the favorited post list
add_action(‘wpfp_after_remove’, ‘favorite_remove’);
function favorite_remove() {
$redirect = ‘http://’.$_SERVER[“HTTP_HOST”];
but this as not effect… i tried to reload the page to get the update list without the text “Removed from favorites!”
Great plugin I started using it recently. Can you tell me how to add a thumb on the favorite’s page?
I would also like to know if you are still supporting the plugin.